About Me
Here are a few things about me
Welcome back to the blog. I completely understand taking a break from social media and sincerely hope your cat is okay soon. I seem to have lost track of my notifications and just caught up on the recent posts. I hope that as the controversy subsides
A few things to talk about. First, I want to say once again how much I enjoy your thoughts and questions. Please know that I am reading your comments as time permits and can’t respond to everyone, but I did want to cover all of the above topics in this one post since these have been mentioned by several people.
Second, my cat Streek is up and moving around with new determination after a full round of steroids and continuing fluids. She’s old and this will be temporary as she is in a definite decline, but presently she is doing very well. We will do our best to keep her comfortable until it is time for her to leave us…stevewhitmire-felinepundit. Thank-you all for sharing your own stories of love and loss of these special beings who have graced our lives.
Third, many have expressed concern about not receiving notification of the last post I entitled “Pest ConTroll”. Totally my fault as I did not send them. I saw that post as a sort of ‘utility’ post that was off topic to a degree, and chose not to invade everyones email inbox over it. I figured you’d all find it as soon as I sent out notification on this one. My apologies for causing that confusion.